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Shuffling Travellers

Writer's picture: Steve FrithSteve Frith

Busy weekend to say the least. Shuffle on the Saturday and the Travellers 6 the following day.

The weather didn't look too good for the Shuffle, I made sure that I had enough layers on to keep the chill off plus a waterproof for added protection. Drove down to Silkstone this time, rather than catch the bus. I wanted to make sure that everyone had some sort of record of their run.

The Juniors had a course change, so I had to alter my plans. As usual, the start images weren't up to much. Poor light and a small field didn't give me much of an opportunity to create anything reasonable.

Ran down to the kissing gate, the puddle in front was quite large and I hoped that it might provide me with a few keepers. Problem; the sun was behind the runners, not the best situation for a well exposed image.

The D500 found it difficult to focus on one or two the runners, shooting in portrait mode isn't something I do very often. Maybe the blurred images had something to do with that?

Time to pick a spot for the seniors. Sun coming from the right-hand side was quite strong. I needn't have worried, the skies darkened and the rain began to fall. Positioned near a large puddle , I waited for the runners to appear. Darker and darker. With an ISO of 12,000 plus, would it have been better not to have bothered?

I took a number of photographs on the track, some at the gate, on the muddy climb and at the finish. One or two came out reasonably well. Thankfully, the field was small and I managed to edit them by the end of the day … just.


Sunday 15th December:

Travellers 6 and the weather was much better. Cold though, lots and lots of layers on to keep me warm. Arrived early, way too early. Time for a cuppa and a chat with one or two of my brilliant supporters.

Found a spot at the top of the first hill. A great choice, with a few images that I'm really chuffed with. The curve of the road and the field stretching back into the distance. As I've said before, it's all about positioning.

Down to the finish to await the arrival of Scott and Fiona. Surely they'd repeat last year's performances. Parked myself down on the pavement with my back resting against one of the finish line bollards. The only downside to this spot, is the "chunk" of sky in the top right of the frame. I find it so distracting. Perfectionist!

With cramp setting in, I had to keep jumping up and stretching. No Pain No Gain! Managed to snap just about everyone with just the odd person hid behind another runner. Another shoot completed and time to find something to eat inside the hall. Looked around for some malt loaf but couldn't fight my way through the heated throng. A piece of swiss roll would have to do.

Back home and time to upload the photos to the computer. I'm making headway with the #Loupedeck and it is going to save me a lot of time when it comes to editing.


Donations: I'm really grateful to all those people who have contributed to my "gear" account. There are a few items that I'd like to add to what I have already, especially another external hard drive to store the thousands of images I take within a year. I don't expect people to contribute on a regular basis. As I've said before, you are probably sick of seeing me out there.

Spending SO much time upstairs on the computer is a bit lonely. I'd like to buy a laptop that can cope with editing images and run the software that I use. Can't see that happening, bit on the expensive side.

Observations: Massive thanks to Gareth C, Shaun C, Shaun M, Keith L, Bryan H and Josh B for their positive comments at this event. It really does make a difference. Not sure how many runners actually access my photos, or if they are even bothered.

I'm hoping to be at the Santa Parkrun on Saturday. Ward Green 6 on Sunday. Maybe the Christmas Day Parkrun at Locke Park and definitely Ambles Revenge on the 29th December.

Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. I'm sure that I'll be snapping you soon.

I have a new email a/c that is much easier to remember. mozzie777(at)

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